so, isn't absolute need, curious , might use @ point if exists... i've developed site (not design) in areas of text have text-shadow, , noticed when said text highlighted, it's not legible. aware of , utilizing ::selection css selector along appropriate browser prefixes remove text-shadow on highlight. my question whether there's anything can override highlighting defaults when text remains selected , focus removed page ? example: select-all , default (mozilla), selected text gets blue background. ... say, start messing firebug, or open smaller window on browser. highlights turn gray. can change behavior of blue ::selection property (color, background, text-shadow, etc.), gray's behavior remains unchanged. such thing exist? yes can use selectors ::selection for example try specific paragraph class gray .gray p::-moz-selection { color: gold; background: red; } .gray p::selection { color: gold; background: red; } or div class g...