mvc - javascript unhandled exception in skelJs in ASP MVC 4 -

i tried use template html5 web site view of mvc 4 application. template here:

unfortunately have problem this. tried put main frame of these template in _layout page. put other parts in index.chtml problem when run program visual studio says there unhandled exception in skel.min.js :


my _layout page here : </script>

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and files on link put above.

i tried contact programmer of template ( bases on engine “skeljs” ). no answer yet. i’ll happy if can help.

error details:

    exception thrown @ line 5288, column 6 in http://localhost:1572/scripts/jquery-1.8.2.js     0x800a139e - javascript runtime error: syntaxerror     exception thrown @ line 4, column 13743 in http://localhost:1572/scripts/jquery.min.js     0x800a139e - javascript runtime error: syntaxerror     exception thrown @ line 4, column 13957 in http://localhost:1572/scripts/jquery.min.js     0x800a139e - javascript runtime error: syntaxerror     unhandled exception @ line 12, column 444 in http://localhost:1572/scripts/skel.min.js     0x800a139e - javascript runtime error: notfounderror     program '[10048] iisexpress.exe: managed (v4.0.30319)' has exited code 0 (0x0).     program '[10048] iisexpress.exe: program trace' has exited code 0 (0x0). 

you testing in ie? :) , yes has mistake jquery-1.10.2.min.js.

put on blank page , still there. fault there in "jquery-1.8.2"


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