ajax - jQuery if/else statements -

i'm trying write if/else conditions within jquery ajax method. don't know jquery well, i'm making stupid small syntax error. here is:

    function swapcontent(count,product)         {             $.ajax(             {                 type: "post",                 datatype: 'json',                 url: "includes/price-update.php",                 data: {countvar: count, productid: product},                 success: function(data)                 {                     console.log(data);                     $('.cleardata').remove();                      $.each(data, function ()                     {                          $(".price-data").append(                         $("<tr class='cleardata'/>")                          if (data.instock == "in stock") {                         $('.in-stock-row').text ('yes');                         }                         else if (data.instock == "unavaiable"){                              $('.in-stock-row').text ('no');                         }                         else{                              $('.in-stock-row').text ('-');                         }                         .append("<td class='store-row'><h5 property='seller'>" + this.merchantname + "</h5></td>")                         .append("<td class='price-row'><h5 property='price'>$" + this.price + "</h5></td>")                         .append("<td class='in-stock-row'><h5>" + this.instock + "</h5></td>")                         .append("<td class='merch-row'><a property='url' target='_blank' href='" + this.pageurl + "' class='merch-but'>get it</a></td>")                         );                     })                 }             });         }     </script> 

everything works great aside if/else statments. i'm not sure if return correct way of echoing out data. php guy, jquery still new. help.

edit: changed code according suggestions , have, , nothing in table showing now.

second edit: attaching image of json data debugging. json data ajax post method. not sure why there 3 , instock same properties.

third edit: posting php data

<?php $countvar = $_post['countvar']; $productid = $_post['productid']; $data = pricecompare($countvar, $productid); echo json_encode($data);  function pricecompare($countvar, $productid){ $dbh = new pdo('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=---','---','---'); $sth = $dbh->query('select merchantname, price, pageurl, instock                     merchants                     productid=' . $productid .' , count=' . $countvar . '                     order price');  $result = $sth->fetchall();  return $result; } ?> 

edit four: fixed json data getting 2 sets of data changing php fetchall method fetchall(pdo::fetch_assoc) results of fixed json data below. still not getting correct results in in stock table field though. fixed json data

i have added mock json, there typo in spelling of unavailable in first one. each section of ajax success function correct. can see working on http://jsfiddle.net/mhwdp/

hope helps. r.

jsondata = [{     "instock": "in stock",         "merchantname": "coffee less",         "pageurl": "http://www.google.com",         "price": "14.99" }, {     "instock": "unavailable",         "merchantname": "drugstore",         "pageurl": "http://www.google.com",         "price": "15.99" }, {     "instock": "no",         "merchantname": "drugstore2",         "pageurl": "http://www.google.com",         "price": "29.99" }];   $.each(jsondata, function (index, dataitem) {     stockstatus = '';     if (dataitem.instock == "in stock") {         stockstatus = "yes";     } else if (dataitem.instock == "unavailable") {         stockstatus = "no";     } else {         stockstatus = "-";     }      temprow = document.createelement('tr');      $(temprow).append("<td class='store-row'><h5 property='seller'>" + dataitem.merchantname + "</h5></td>")         .append("<td class='price-row'><h5 property='price'>$" + dataitem.price + "</h5></td>")         .append("<td class='in-stock-row'><h5>" + stockstatus + "</h5></td>")         .append("<td class='merch-row'><a property='url' target='_blank' href='" + dataitem.pageurl + "' class='merch-but'>get it</a></td>")         .append("</tr>");      $(".price-data").append(temprow); }); 


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