node.js - Sanitizing data before saving to Mongoose -

i trying create pre handler sanitizes data before written mongodb see:

i've tried following each property able sanitize it:

  blogschema.pre('save', function (next) {         var obj = this;         console.log(obj)//->          // i've tried following single items :         object.keys(obj).foreach(function (key) {             console.log('keys: ',obj[key]);         });          //and:         for(var key in obj) {             console.log(obj[key])         }          //and:         _.each( self , function(value, key, list){             console.log('value:',key);        })         next();     }) 

any of above approaches results following:

thats output of:

    for(var key in obj) {        console.log(obj[key])     }

any know how each single property can sanitize it, please?


[edit] here 1 possible workaround, anyways cleaner have directly on scheme level since more dry

        var post = {             createdat :,             createdby : req.user.username,             headline : req.body.headline,             content : req.body.content         }          _.each( post , function(value, key, list){            post[key] =  sanitize(value).xss(); //its sanetize function of node validator         })          var item = new blog(post); 

probably not best way it.

mongoose has field validators

the default validators enough job done, custom validators easy create specified in docs.

an example of custom validator docs

var toy = mongoose.model('toy', toyschema);  toy.schema.path('color').validate(function (value) {   return /blue|green|white|red|orange|periwinkle/i.test(value); }, 'invalid color'); 


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