user interface - jQuery Masonry and UI Sortable -

there's website i'm developing can found here. it's photography website , client asked me implement allow move photos around , change order of appear. come mysql database , displayed jquery masonry.

i thought instantly of jquery ui sortable, , i've been trying implement absolutely no luck @ all. how can achieve this? can point me in right direction, please?

thanks in advance!

i struggling same issue, far answer has been change classes jquery's sortable start, stop, change , sort events. so:

$('#sortable').sortable({             start:  function(event, ui) {                              console.log(ui);              ui.item.removeclass('masonry');             ui.item.parent().masonry('reloaditems')                 },         change: function(event, ui) {             ui.item.parent().masonry('reloaditems');                 },         stop:   function(event, ui) {              ui.item.addclass('masonry');             ui.item.parent().masonry('reloaditems'); }); 

here working example , js fiddle on subject. it's start.

however, not 'presto' solution, examples work older versions of masonry, latest version has few bugs implementing since "reload" method replaced layout() , reloaditems(). or... can use old masonry versions, if works you.

alternatively can use jquery.shapeshift(), you're looking for.


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