html - Why are my columns wrapping? -

i had quick question website taking design code. using simple grid layout few fixed-width columns, reason when browser wraps below 1500 pixels, columns start wrapping. i'm super confused why happening have width set on container , columns fixed-width.

here link site on staging server:

here link jsfiddle:

please note "external resources" located in jsfiddle

here code:


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i appreciate , on this. it's such small, simple thing, it's driving me absolutely crazy. helps me tackle this.

the .container div holds columns set 80% of width of page, fixed width elements inside wrap when parent container's computed width becomes narrow. max-width doesn't if computed width smaller 1080 - define width of .container fixed, on smaller views can horizontal scroll.

also, browse @ browser width of 1280, consider doing little bit of refactoring lessen whitespace, in view top link bar wraps around , breaks.


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