What version of FFMPEG should I use on DEBIAN to transcode RTSP to RTMP? -

i using command:

   ffmpeg -i rtsp://login:password@ -f flv  rtmp://localhost:1935/live/yarek 

which worked fine on 1 windows,

this command gives errors on linux1 (ffmpeg version 0.8.6-4:0.8.6

writen, rtmp send error 10053 (129 bytes) writen, rtmp send error 10053 (45 bytes) writen, rtmp send error 10038 (42 bytes) av_interleaved_write_frame(): operation not permitted 

and gives errors on linux2: (ffmpeg version 0.7.15)

[h264 @ 0x98e2f80] rtp: pt=60: bad cseq c54f expected=b90c [h264 @ 0x98e2f80] rtp: pt=60: bad cseq b90c expected=c551 [h264 @ 0x98e2f80] rtp: pt=60: bad cseq c552 expected=b90f [rtsp @ 0x98de5e0] estimating duration bitrate, may inaccurate  seems stream 0 codec frame rate differs container frame rate: 180000.00 (180000/1) -> 90000.00 (180000/2) input #0, rtsp, 'rtsp://login:password@':   metadata:     title           : media presentation   duration: n/a, start: -4756.582667, bitrate: n/a     stream #0.0: video: h264 (main), yuvj420p, 1024x768 [par 1:1 dar 4:3], 90k tbr, 90k tbn, 180k tbc 

so 100% sure command line good, ffmpeg bad.

my question is: what version of ffmpeg should use on debian transcode rtsp rtmp ?

can recommend me correct version of ffmpeg works ?


the ffmpeg using in windows ffmpeg project via zeranoe's ffmpeg windows builds, , so-called ffmpeg using in debian fork of ffmpeg called libav. confirm if included console outputs each command. see:

i recommend using real ffmpeg since version fork buggy. have 2 main choices:

compiling embiggen nerd cred, using build lazier.


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