PHP and C#.NET MVC ( repository pattern in PHP, how might i go about it ) -

i love unity , ninject framework dependency injection controllers repository interfaces etc, trying think alternative in php , struggling.

i have:

class user {     //.. }  interface iuserrepository {     public function repository(); // can't work variable, should abstract? }  class userrepository implements iuserrepository {     public function repository()     {         $users = // dao gets users , returns them..         // how iuserrepository me @ all? if had ninject or          // unity creating new link between userrepo , iuserrepo?         return $users;     }      public function getallusers()     {         // errr.. i'm confused     } }  // has if admincontroller called,  // inject construct, new iuserrepository  class admincontroller extends controller {     private $repository;     public function __construct( $repository )     {         $this->repository = $repository;     }      public function actionresult_listusers()     {         $users = $repository->getallusers();         // clever view method thing $users model     } } 

the real question php , repository approach. how work? can see i'm blotching bit , want right!


even more simple question. benefit of interface keyword? how declaring interface methods undefined , making new class implements methods extend them, when cannot create new interface class filled in proper class defines them?

kind of broad question i'll take shot. symfony 2 modern php framework built around excellent dependency injection container. symfony 2 supports doctrine 2 modern orm persistence layer in repositories supported.

skim through here:

skip details on setting things , instead for:

creating entity class

persisting objects database

fetching objects database

the fetching section repositories come play. gives broad overview of 1 way implement repositories on php. might decide research more on symfony 2/doctrine 2 or may go route entirely. give starting point.

as far interfaces go, hate real real real basic question. might want go through oop tutorials? 1 or 2 sentence explanation not going make sense.


this may bit:

class user {     //.. }  interface iuserrepository {     public function getallusers(); }  class userrepository extends doctrinerepository implements iuserrepository {     public function getallusers()     {         return $this->findall();     } }  class admincontroller extends controller {     private $repository;     public function __construct(iuserrepository $repository )     {         $this->repository = $repository;     }     public function actionresult_listusers()     {         $users = $this->repository->getallusers();         // clever view method thing $users model     } 

your user , iuserrepository reside in known domain layer.

the actual userrepository implementation in service layer. might have multiple implementations. 1 talking sql database. perhaps talking mongodb or maybe file.

you controller lives in yet layer. expects receive object implements iuserrepository , has getallusers method. controller not care how repository implemented. knows exposed via interface.

it's application wire things using dependency injection such controller gets correct repository.


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