WordPress Creating Empty database -

wordpress creating empty database. (there database out values!)

i on local wamp server 2.4 (php 5.4) windows 8 wordpress 3.6 (also tried 3.5.1)

wamp apache giving errors pasting few lines here:


"get /test_3/wp-admin/css/colors-fresh.min.css?ver=3.6 http/1.1" 304 - "get /phpmyadmin/db_structure.php?db=db_test_3&token=4bb71407ccf91fc27d3c8338186ee369&db=db_test_3&ajax_request=true&ajax_page_request=true&menuhashes=572d5b14-cb7c7ed1-ada592ed-4fce1948&_nocache=1376960501429607598 http/1.1" 200 40875 


[mon aug 19 13:34:54.335301 2013] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 7864:tid 468] ah00418: parent: created child process 6540 [mon aug 19 13:34:54.769224 2013] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 6540:tid 344] ah00354: child: starting 150 worker threads. [mon aug 19 18:09:28.498364 2013] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 7864:tid 468] ah00422: parent: received shutdown signal -- shutting down server. 

possibly related issue: have changed port :8080 cuz windows 8 using port :80

any appreciated.

i found solution! -- might have messed while changing port.

in httpd.conf -- had this:

listen 8080 #listen 

simply changed this:

#listen 8080 listen 

database receiving values word-press started giving error on loin attempt

you not have sufficient permissions access page 

so went database , gave user administrator privileges! (from here followed instruction under heading "editing wp_usermeta table")


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