internet explorer - IE Compatibility issue : a possible solution? -

i have been searching past 3 hours solution problem. finished building website our company, , works fine in firefox 3.0, safari 3.1, chrome 1.0.154 , opera 11.

in internet explorer, not work @ (i have tried ie7 , ie8. using jquery 2 mean limited ie9+.

anyways, thought of possible solution : if displayed entire website in flash window ? way no matter version of ie (that supports flash), people able view website normally, , nightmares over.

do know of technique/trick achieve ?

thanks lot !


edit 1 :

as requested, provide below home page code, + css goes it. i'll let test out browser want , see result in ie ^^ :

althought still called website, sounds try embed actual website else. means have bigger problem take care of.

internet explorer little different other browsers still can dealt , that's way needs done. not recommend workaround.

if want deal ie, please provide code think isn't working on ie fine other browsers, people glad investiguate. otherwise, easy way on "nightmares" instruct user up-to-date browser if browser old.


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