vb.net - How to calculate holidays for the USA -

i need know how calculate usa holidays. need solution works year. didn't want store dates in database need maintained.

for holidays on weekend needs follow policy of government adjust weekday. if falls on saturday adjusted friday. if falls on sunday needs adjusted monday. understand many (most?) banks in same way.

how calculate list of usa holidays?

public function getholidaylist(byval vyear integer) list(of date)      dim holidaylist new list(of date)      '...fill list holidays      ' new year's day            jan 1     ' martin luther king, jr. third mon in jan     ' washington's birthday third mon in feb     ' memorial day          last mon in may     ' independence day      july 4     ' labor day             first mon in sept     ' columbus day          second mon in oct     ' veterans day          nov 11     ' thanksgiving day      fourth thur in nov     ' christmas day         dec 25      'adjust weekends  end function 




this 1 way it. weakness of method since rules hard coded need change code in rare event congress changed rules. in-house software not problem might others.

also don't calculate easter since not federal holiday. see nature (1876) algorithm calculating date of easter

public function getholidaylist(byval vyear integer) list(of date)      dim firstweek integer = 1     dim secondweek integer = 2     dim thirdweek integer = 3     dim fourthweek integer = 4     dim lastweek integer = 5      dim holidaylist new list(of date)      '   http://www.usa.gov/citizens/holidays.shtml           '   http://archive.opm.gov/operating_status_schedules/fedhol/2013.asp      ' new year's day            jan 1     holidaylist.add(dateserial(vyear, 1, 1))      ' martin luther king, jr. third mon in jan     holidaylist.add(getnthdayofnthweek(dateserial(vyear, 1, 1), dayofweek.monday, thirdweek))      ' washington's birthday third mon in feb     holidaylist.add(getnthdayofnthweek(dateserial(vyear, 2, 1), dayofweek.monday, thirdweek))      ' memorial day          last mon in may     holidaylist.add(getnthdayofnthweek(dateserial(vyear, 5, 1), dayofweek.monday, lastweek))      ' independence day      july 4     holidaylist.add(dateserial(vyear, 7, 4))      ' labor day             first mon in sept     holidaylist.add(getnthdayofnthweek(dateserial(vyear, 9, 1), dayofweek.monday, firstweek))      ' columbus day          second mon in oct     holidaylist.add(getnthdayofnthweek(dateserial(vyear, 10, 1), dayofweek.monday, secondweek))      ' veterans day          nov 11     holidaylist.add(dateserial(vyear, 11, 11))      ' thanksgiving day      fourth thur in nov     holidaylist.add(getnthdayofnthweek(dateserial(vyear, 11, 1), dayofweek.thursday, fourthweek))      ' christmas day         dec 25     holidaylist.add(dateserial(vyear, 12, 25))      'saturday holidays moved fri; sun mon     integer = 0 holidaylist.count - 1         dim dt date = holidaylist(i)         if dt.dayofweek = dayofweek.saturday             holidaylist(i) = dt.adddays(-1)         end if         if dt.dayofweek = dayofweek.sunday             holidaylist(i) = dt.adddays(1)         end if     next      'return     return holidaylist  end function  private function getnthdayofnthweek(byval dt date, byval dayofweek integer, byval whichweek integer) date     'specify day of week of month , function date     'this function uses month , year of date provided      'get first day of given date     dim dtfirst date = dateserial(dt.year, dt.month, 1)      'get first dayofweek of month     dim dtret date = dtfirst.adddays(6 - dtfirst.adddays(-(dayofweek + 1)).dayofweek)      'get week     dtret = dtret.adddays((whichweek - 1) * 7)      'if day past end of month adjust backwards week     if dtret >= dtfirst.addmonths(1)         dtret = dtret.adddays(-7)     end if      'return     return dtret  end function 


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