cordova - plugman not recognising project -

i've been following scandit's guide setting project in phonegap make use of library.

so list of commands call are:

cordova create .  cordova platform add ios  plugman install --platform ios --project . --plugin <path unzipped scanditsdk plugin ios> 

but on last command, throws error:

does not appear xcode project (no xcode project file) 

does know how fix this? ran cordova build ios in case needed initiation, didn't it. maybe it's because haven't made custom additions bare structure yet?

this using phonegap 3.0

if running plugman same directory called

cordova platform add ios

you need add path directory above command created ios project e.g.

plugman --platform ios --project platforms/ios --plugin path-to-scanditsdk

if have further questions, contact @


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