ruby on rails - Update charge field after stripe charge is processed -

i'm using stripe gem, , followed basic setup charge card. trying have field in database changed when charge has been processed. below code not updating :charge (boolean type) field of database 1.

after processing has succeeded redirects user create.html.erb, redirect them different path, haven't been able find out how that.

thanks stack!

charges controller:

class chargescontroller < applicationcontroller def index end  def new  end  def create      @event = event.find(session[:event_id])      #amount in cents     @amount = 199      customer = stripe::customer.create(         :email => "user email",         :card => params[:stripetoken]     )      charge = stripe::charge.create(         :customer =>,         :amount => @amount,         :description => 'description',         :currency => 'usd'     )      @event[:charge] == 1  rescue stripe::carderror => e     flash[:error] = e.message     redirect_to charges_path end end 


<ul class="breadcrumb">   <li><a href="#">event information</a></li>   <li><a href="#">image upload</a></li>   <li><a href="#">verify details</a></li>   <li class="active">pay</li> </ul>  <%= form_tag charges_path %> <article>     <label class="amount">         <span>amount: $1.99</span>     </label> </article>  <script src="" class="stripe-button"         data-key="<%= rails.configuration.stripe[:publishable_key] %>"         data-description="description"         data-amount="199"></script> <% end %> 


<h2>thanks, paid <strong>$1.99</strong>!</h2> 


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