Python: Using CSV to parse(?) variables and then output that to another file -

i server administrator. i've skated without having scripting, alas -- has reared ugly head.

summary: have example.csv looks following;

stan,marsh,stan marsh,1001,899,smarsh, eric,cartman,eric cartman,1002,898,ecartman, 

now. i'm trying read in csv file. then, want take value each row , put this;

dn: cn=$cn,ou=people,dc=domain,dc=com cn: $cn gidnumber: 20 givenname $fn homedirectory /home/users/$user loginshell: /bin/sh objectclass: inetorgperson objectclass: posixaccount objectclass: top sn: $ln uid: $username telephonenumber: $tele uidnumber: $uidn userpassword: {crypt}mrpoo mail: $email 

as can see, i'm attempting make ldif file allows me import user names , auto fill in variables.

i can't seem put pieces together.

i haven't gotten far either. learned print rows, yay... !

import csv  open('example.csv', 'rb') f:         reader = csv.reader(f)         row in reader:                 print row 

i think logic follows.

  • import .csv. loop through row.
  • place data variables.
  • output final product (print?) "output_file"
  • loop until eof?

any appreciated.

something oughta work.

the csv module overkill file yours.

some of python idioms i'm using here:

  • dict(zip(keys, values)) -- zips list of keys , list of values; dict function (or dict.update) can digest key-value pairs add dict
  • mapping-form string interpolation (%(foo)s) can digest dict

the defaults bit there string interpolation wouldn't choke on missing values. adapt needs. :)


if true:  # testing -- use other branch read file     # declare test content in string...     input_content = """ stan,marsh,stan marsh,1001,899,smarsh, eric,cartman,eric cartman,1002,898,ecartman,     """.strip()     # , use stringio module create file-like object it.     stringio import stringio     input_file = stringio(input_content) else:     # or open file normal. in short script this,     # 1 doesn't need worry closing file - happen     # when script ends.     input_file = open('example.csv', 'rb')   # declare fields in order in file. # zip() use later actual fields file # create dict mapping. fields = ('fn', 'ln', 'name', 'uidn', 'gidn', 'cn', 'email')  # fields, in order  # declare template ldif file. %(...)s bits # later interpolated dict mapping created each input row. template = u""" dn: cn=%(cn)s,ou=people,dc=domain,dc=com cn: %(cn)s gidnumber: 20 givenname %(fn)s homedirectory /home/users/%(user)s loginshell: /bin/sh objectclass: inetorgperson objectclass: posixaccount objectclass: top sn: %(ln)s uid: %(username)s telephonenumber: %(tele)s uidnumber: %(uidn)s userpassword: {crypt}mrpoo mail: %(email)s """  line in input_file:     # create `vals` default values. these overwritten     # if csv data (and of course declared fields) contain them.     vals = {"user": "xxx", "tele": "xxx", "username": "xxx"}      # line.strip().split() turn string line,     # example 'foo,baz,bar\n' (trailing new line `strip`ped out)     # list ['foo', 'baz', 'bar'].     # zipping with, say, ['ln', 'fn', 'email'] yield     # [('ln', 'foo'), ('fn', 'baz'), ('email', 'bar')] --      # ie. list of tuples key , value.     # can used `dict.update` function replace , augment     # default values declared above.      vals.update(zip(fields, line.strip().split(",")))      # finally, use interpolation operator % merge template     # values line , print standard output.      print template % vals 


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