php - SoapClient: Add NS to XML node -

i have complicated xml need send on soapclient.

i trying "correct" way sending array of params request.

here example of current array:

$params = array("testrequest" => array("nodeone" => "value1", "nodetwo" => "value2")); 

it makes xml this:

<testrequest>    <nodeone>value1</nodeone>    <nodetwo>value2</nodetwo> </testrequest> 

however, need add ns "testrequest" part. needs this:

<ord:testrequest>    <nodeone>value1</nodeone>    <nodetwo>value2</nodetwo> </ord:testrequest> 

i have pulled hair out trying think of, searched google , stack no avail. , yes, have tried in array typing, "ord:testrequest".

if soapclient guru in php , help, forever thankful.

okay, after headache... easiest way accomplish not way prefer.

i ended manually writing xml so:

$xml = '<ord:testrequest>    <nodeone>value1</nodeone>    <nodetwo>value2</nodetwo> </ord:testrequest>'; 


 $dom =new domdocument('1.0'); try {     $dom->loadxml($xml);     $request = $dom->savexml();     $this->xml = $request;     return true; } catch (domexception $e) {     $this->xml = $xml;     $this->errors++;     $this->error_msg = 'error generating xml :' . $e;         } 

my xml structured should make soaprequest, used soapclient __dorequest() method.

important, when go route can't use wsdl auto-generate xml did it, make sure in soap connection , request wsdl null.


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