Matlab clc command -

i checking original 'clc.m' file in matlab. apparently function written p-code , see description placed in:


how can take @ original code?; not main question, fun.

the main point looking way reverse clc process, after clean screen. there way reverse clc process. same question goes clear all well.

try using home instead of clc. whereas clc removes text command window , moves cursor top left giving blank window, home moves cursor top left , gives blank window - text still there, , can scroll see it. use home time rather clc.

in either case, text remains in command history window, , can retrieved in command window using up/down arrows.

the reason can't see code behind clc not it's p-coded, it's it's built-in function (i.e. not implemented in matlab language). same true clear, , many math functions such svd, eig etc. there's no way modify them change (such reversing process).

edit: might diary function, keeps log of input , output @ command window in specified file. have following lines in startup.m file (type doc startup if don't know how use matlab startup files):

diaryfolder = 'c:\diaries'; diaryfilename = ['diary', datestr(now, 'yyyymmdd'), '.txt']; diary(fullfile(diaryfolder, diaryfilename)) 

so whenever start matlab, it's automatically capturing command window input , output diary file that's named date - if start matlab multiple times day, appends same file. can clc or home whenever convenient, , there's record kept of can search through if necessary.


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