javascript - jQuery to slide a div right to left slides the div out of window -

i have created slider slides right left. changing margin-right make slide work.

as per requirement, have treeview, when user clicks on node, opens sliding dialog controls in it. when user clicks on node, should first close open dialog , open dialog selected node. able make work when user clicks on node, dialog opens, , when user click again on same node or slider-button, dialog hides. somehow, code hide when user click on other node doesn't work properly. moves slider-button , dialog away , don't see anything.

i used following code:

if($('#slider-button').css("margin-right") == "400px") {     $(sliderdialog).animate({"margin-right": '-=400'});     $('#slider-button').animate({"margin-right": '-=400'}); } else{     $(sliderdialog).animate({"margin-right": '+=400'});     $('#slider-button').animate({"margin-right": '+=400'}); } 

i thought, simple finding if selected dialog different current call same code hides dialog when user clicks on same node again. ie.

$(sliderdialog).animate({"margin-right": '-=400'}); $('#slider-button').animate({"margin-right": '-=400'}); 

but, behaves weird. anyone, missing here?

here jsfiddle.

using dom , such had, i've updated js switch between them after animating (here fiddle in action):

var sliderdialog = "#dvprioritydialog"  function slideit() {     var sliderid = '#' + $('').attr('id');     var slidewidth;     if ($('.pollslider').hasclass('open')) {         slidewidth = $('').width();         $('').animate({"margin-right": '-=' + slidewidth}, function() {            if (sliderid != sliderdialog) {                 slideit();            }         });         $('#slider-button').animate({"margin-right": '-=' + slidewidth});         $('').removeclass('open');     }  else {         slidewidth = $(sliderdialog).width();         $(sliderdialog).addclass('open');         $('#slider-button').animate({"margin-right": '+=' + slidewidth});         $(sliderdialog).animate({"margin-right": '+=' + slidewidth});     } }  function bindcontrols() {     $('#slider-button').click(function() {        slideit();      });     $("#lipriority").click(function() {         sliderdialog = "#dvprioritydialog";         slideit();      });     $("#lifasting").click(function() {         sliderdialog = "#dvfastingdialog";         slideit();     }); }  // init; $(document).ready(function() {     bindcontrols();  }); 


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