ios - XMPPFramework - How to transfer image from one device to another? -

i have made one-to-one chat using xmpp protocol. now, send image , video in application. researched file transfer didn't find solution. have used code below socket connection.

please advice me on how can go doing this.

[turnsocket setproxycandidates:@[@"myserverhost-desktop"]];  xmppjid *jid = [xmppjid jidwithstring:@"1254225445@myserverhost-desktop"];  turnsocket *turnsocket = [[turnsocket alloc] initwithstream:[[self appdelegate]xmppstream] tojid:jid];  [app.turnsocketarray addobject:turnsocket]; [turnsocket startwithdelegate:self delegatequeue:dispatch_get_main_queue()]; [turnsocket release];  - (void)turnsocket:(turnsocket *)sender didsucceed:(gcdasyncsocket *)socket { }  - (void)turnsocketdidfail:(turnsocket *)sender { } 

every time connection fail method call..


you need push image server , reveice url server .then can send url device xmpp protocol. in end. download image server received url.

xmpp can send image . that's big xml message xmpp server .that's not great solution.


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