c# - SortedSet.Contains gives error "at least one object must implement ICombarable" -

i have 2 sortedsets:

sortedset<sortedset<int>> sset1 = new sortedset<sortedset<int>>(); sortedset<sortedset<int>> sset2 = new sortedset<sortedset<int>>(); 

later on check make new sorted set:

 sortedset<int> newsset = methodthatreturnssortedset(); 

now want check if sset1 , sset2 contain newsset:

if (!sset1.contains(newsset) && !sset2.contains(newsset))  <--error on line    {        sset1.add(next);        //some more code    } 

so error argument exception, "at least 1 of these objects must implement icomparable.

i have looked @ other questions same problem, in case want compare own classes. checking if item in set. yea..i have no idea how solve this, pointers?

you can't have sortedset of sortedsets unless specify custom comparer, because sortedset not implement icomparable in itself.

whenever use type sortedset<x>, set organized in increasing order based on x, x must icomparable<x> or icomparable, or else sortedset<x> must created constructor overload allows give custom object of type icomparer<x>.

which of these 2 sortedset<int> comes first:

{ 3, 8, 25, } 


{ 3, 7, 9, 58, 12345678, } 

addition: no answer above, assumed wanted lexicographic comparison, seems natural. wrote class:

class lexicographiccomparer : comparer<sortedset<int>> {     public override int compare(sortedset<int> x, sortedset<int> y)     {         if (x == null || y == null)             return default.compare(x, y);          int firstdifference = x.zip(y, comparer<int>.default.compare)             .where(n => n != 0).firstordefault();         if (firstdifference != 0)             return firstdifference;          return comparer<int>.default.compare(x.count, y.count);     } } 

that class inherits comparer<> class , implements icomparer<> interface because of that. use when construct "nested" sortedset, example:

lexicographiccomparer lc = new lexicographiccomparer(); sortedset<sortedset<int>> sset1 = new sortedset<sortedset<int>>(lc); sortedset<sortedset<int>> sset2 = new sortedset<sortedset<int>>(lc); 


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