windows phone 7 - ListPicker within LongListSelector not retaining value after scrolling -

i developing wp7 app contains longlistselector. within itemtemplate there listpicker. select value listpicker first item in longlistselector, select value listpicker 2nd item. if scroll down page , top again, value selected in listpicker 1st item reset (selectedindex=0).

i have put code in link , unlink events of longlistselector write output window , have found when 1st item unlinks (due scrolling down page), listpicker value selected link event fires (due scrolling page) 1st item value reset.

im using obserablecollection , implement inpc interface objects , viewmodel updates when listpicker selection changed.

how can ensure value in listpickers retaining during scrolling of longlistselector?


<phone:phoneapplicationpage  x:class="longlistselector.mainpage" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:phone=";" xmlns:shell=";" xmlns:d="" xmlns:mc="" mc:ignorable="d" d:designwidth="480" d:designheight="5000" fontfamily="{staticresource phonefontfamilynormal}" fontsize="{staticresource phonefontsizenormal}" foreground="{staticresource phoneforegroundbrush}" supportedorientations="portrait" orientation="portrait" shell:systemtray.isvisible="true" xmlns:toolkit=";">  <phone:phoneapplicationpage.resources>     <datatemplate x:name="occurrenceitemtemplate">         <grid>             <stackpanel orientation="vertical" margin="5,0,0,0" >                 <grid>                     <grid.rowdefinitions>                         <rowdefinition height="auto" />                         <rowdefinition height="*" />                     </grid.rowdefinitions>                     <grid.columndefinitions>                         <columndefinition width="*" />                     </grid.columndefinitions>                      <textblock name="tbkeventdatetime" grid.row="0" grid.column="0"                                         text="{binding itemnumber}"                                          style="{staticresource phonetextsmallstyle}" />                      <!--<textbox name="txteventdatetime" grid.row="1" grid.column="0"                                         text="{binding result}" />-->                      <toolkit:listpicker name="lpkresult" margin="12,0,12,12"                                     grid.row="1" grid.column="0"                                     itemssource="{binding testitemresultlist, mode=onetime}"                                     selectedindex="{binding result, mode=twoway}"                                     cachemode="bitmapcache">                         <toolkit:listpicker.itemtemplate>                             <datatemplate>                                 <textblock text="{binding text}" />                             </datatemplate>                         </toolkit:listpicker.itemtemplate>                     </toolkit:listpicker>                 </grid>             </stackpanel>         </grid>     </datatemplate> </phone:phoneapplicationpage.resources>  <!--layoutroot root grid page content placed--> <grid x:name="layoutroot" background="transparent">     <grid.rowdefinitions>         <rowdefinition height="auto"/>         <rowdefinition height="*"/>     </grid.rowdefinitions>      <!--titlepanel contains name of application , page title-->     <stackpanel x:name="titlepanel" grid.row="0" margin="12,17,0,28">         <textblock x:name="applicationtitle" text="my application" style="{staticresource phonetextnormalstyle}"/>         <textblock x:name="pagetitle" text="page name" margin="9,-7,0,0" style="{staticresource phonetexttitle1style}"/>     </stackpanel>      <!--contentpanel - place additional content here-->     <grid x:name="contentpanel" grid.row="1" margin="12,0,12,0" verticalalignment="stretch">         <toolkit:longlistselector x:name="lstoutstandingoccurrences"                  margin="0,12,0,0" padding="0,0,0,24"                 itemtemplate="{staticresource occurrenceitemtemplate}"                 itemssource="{binding testitemcollection, mode=twoway}"                 isflatlist="true" showlistheader="false" >         </toolkit:longlistselector>     </grid> </grid> 


public partial class mainpage : phoneapplicationpage {     private testitemviewmodel _vm;     public testitemviewmodel viewmodel     {                 {             if (_vm == null)                 _vm = new testitemviewmodel();              return _vm;         }         private set         {             _vm = value;         }     }                      // constructor     public mainpage()     {         initializecomponent(); += new eventhandler<linkunlinkeventargs>(lstoutstandingoccurrences_link);         this.lstoutstandingoccurrences.unlink += new eventhandler<linkunlinkeventargs>(lstoutstandingoccurrences_unlink);          this.datacontext = this.viewmodel;     }      void lstoutstandingoccurrences_link(object sender, linkunlinkeventargs e)     {         var item = e.contentpresenter.content testitem;         debug.writeline("link event itemnumber {0} = {1}", item.itemnumber, item.result);     }      void lstoutstandingoccurrences_unlink(object sender, linkunlinkeventargs e)     {         var item = e.contentpresenter.content testitem;         debug.writeline("unlink event itemnumber {0} = {1}", item.itemnumber, item.result);     }  } 


public class testitemviewmodel : baseinpc {     public observablecollection<testitem> testitemcollection     {         get;         private set;     }      // constructor     public testitemviewmodel()     {         this.testitemcollection = new observablecollection<testitem>();         createtestdata(20);     }      public void createtestdata(int totalitems)     {         //create test data long list selector.         (int = 1; <= totalitems; i++)         {             this.testitemcollection.add(new testitem(i, 0));         }     }  } 


public class listhelperlistitem {     public int value { get; set; }     public string text { get; set; } }  public class testitem : baseinpc {     public testitem(int itemnumber, int result)     {         this.itemnumber = itemnumber;         this.result = result;     }      public int itemnumber { get; set; }      private int _result;     public int result     {                 {             return _result;         }         set         {             //if statement debugging purposes only.             if (this.itemnumber == 1)             {                 _result = value;             }              _result = value;             raisepropertychanged("result");         }     }      private list<listhelperlistitem> _testitemresultlist;     public list<listhelperlistitem> testitemresultlist     {                 {             _testitemresultlist = new list<listhelperlistitem>();             _testitemresultlist.add(new listhelperlistitem { value = 0, text = " " });             _testitemresultlist.add(new listhelperlistitem { value = 1, text = "yes" });             _testitemresultlist.add(new listhelperlistitem { value = 2, text = "no" });             _testitemresultlist.add(new listhelperlistitem { value = 3, text = "ignore" });             return _testitemresultlist;         }     }  } 

thanks help!


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