network programming - How can I call ioctl for interface list, or other ioctl stuff, on Free Pascal? -

i've been googling , down, searching on free pascal wiki , on (obscure) mailing lists , have come empty on how use ioctl() or fpioctl() on free pascal.

i have bug report free pascal's bugtrack code enumerates network interfaces.

the code not compile since libc unit has been deprecated.
lot of similar questions libc point wiki entry talks it's demise.
not give indication on sioc*if* stuff has gone.

does mean of ioctl functionality has gone?

using find , grep, under /usr/share/fpcsrc/<fpc-version>/, i've been able track usage of fpioctl() in relation terminals termios unit. other stuff uses looks it's under other oss.

apart i'm unable find of use if want like:

if ioctl(sock, siocgifconf, @ifc)= 0 begin {...} end; 

so, can free pascal community give me pointer what's current situation if 1 wants ioctl calls under linux?

does baseunix.fpioctl meet use case? have @ baseunix documentation. found an example of using here (reposted below).

program testrpi;  {$mode objfpc}{$h+}  uses     baseunix,     classes,     {$ifdef unix}{$ifdef usecthreads}     cthreads,     {$endif}{$endif}     sysutils;  const     i2c_slave            = 1795;  var     buf                  : packed array [0..1] of char;     c                    : char;     devpath              : string = '/dev/i2c-1';     handle               : cint;     idevaddr             : cint = $04;  begin  try     handle := fpopen(devpath,o_rdwr);     fpioctl(handle, i2c_slave, pointer(idevaddr)); except     writeln('error initalizing i2c');     halt;     end;  while true begin      write('enter digit 1-9:');     readln(c);     if (not(c in ['1'..'9'])) begin         writeln('oops - try again');         continue;         end;     buf[0] := chr(ord(c) - ord('0'));      try         fpwrite(handle, buf, 1);      except         writeln('error writing');         halt;     end; //try      buf[0] := #99;     sleep(10);      try         fpread(handle, buf, 1);     except         writeln('error reading');         halt;     end; //try      writeln('buf=', ord(buf[0]));     end; //while  fpclose(handle);  end. 


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