Django View Throwing HttpResponseError -

i trying map view path in, when try throws error:

registration didn't return httpresponse object

urlpatterns = patterns('',     (r'^register/$', registration),     (r'^newuser/$', processregistration), )

def registration(request):     regform = registrationform( or none)     if request.method == 'post':         if regform.is_valid():             clearusername = regform.cleaned_data['usernm']                clearpass = regform.cleaned_data['userpass']                try:                 return httpresponseredirect('/newuser/?usernm=' + clearusername)             except:                 raise validationerror(('invalid request'), code='300')    ## [ todo ]: add custom error page here.     else:         regform = registrationform()          return render(request, 'va/reuse/register.html', {             'regform': regform          })  def processregistration(request):     clearusername = request.get.get('usernm')     return httpresponse("wee") 

when visit /register, throws above error.

any idea why not working? returning response of wee

the validators=[] usernm messing within . doing:

  class client(models.model):         usernm = models.emailfield(verbose_name="email",max_length=50,unique=true,validators=[regexvalidator('^\w{6,50}$','format: invalid username','invalid entry')])         userpass = models.charfield(verbose_name="password", max_length=50)   

i changed usernm declaration to:

usernm = models.emailfield(verbose_name="email",max_length=50,unique=true)  


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