Tcl proc to output a list or array -

i new tcl arrays. question follows.

i have rectangle box 2 rows r1 , r2. each of these rows has 8 different values. want return these 16 values (x , y coordinates) either in text file or list output proc. read earlier posts tcl proc cannot output array unless use dict. so, try draw picture u can understand question better.

 r1  x1y1    x2y2        ... x8,y8 r2  x9,y9       ...     x16, y16 

expected output when run proc either on command prompt or in file dummy values example

 $>    (1,2)  (2,3) (3,4) ....... (7,8)       (9,10) (10,11) ......... (15,16) 

so tried , getting results need. hardcoded 2 rows. want make able detect how many rows there , accordingly output number of rows.

proc getpointlist {rect_boundary rowoffset coloffset rowincr colincr } {  set cordlist $rect_boundary   set xl  [lindex $cordlist 0]  set yl  [lindex $cordlist 1]  set xh  [lindex $cordlist 2]        set yh  [lindex $cordlist 3]   set list "" ;   {set y [expr {$yh - $coloffset}]} {$y >= [expr {$yl + $coloffset}]} { incr y $colincr } {      {set x [expr {$xl + $rowoffset}]} {$x <= [expr {$xh - $rowoffset}]} { incr x $rowincr } {              set list "$list $x $y" ;             puts "value of x is: $x"; puts "\t value of y is: $y" ;           }   } return $list   }  set rect_boundary {10 15 100 40}     # xl yl xh yh set rowoffset 5 set coloffset 5 set rowincr 10 set colincr 15 

some logic need implement in code based on yh-yl , xh-xl calculate height , width of rectangle , accordingly output rows

command call proc

$> getpointlist $rect_boundary $rowoffset $coloffset $rowincr $colincr 

just understanding there 8 x,y points inside rectangle on particular row. x offset first x point on row left or roght boundary, thereafter points separated increment value call rowincr. same holds true column.

expected output : above code hardcoded 2 rows. want increase , implement logic if rows , column variable.

$>  r1:  (15 40) (25 40) (35 40) (45 40) (55 40) (65 40) (75 40) (85 40) (95 40)     r2:  (15 15) (25 15) (35 15) (45 15) (55 15) (65 15) (75 15) (85 15) (95 15) 

rectangle image better clarity thing wont let me update pictures

__________________________________________________________________________ (100,40) |                       |- 5                                              | |   .          .        .       .        .       .        .        .      | |                               |- 15                                     | |-5-.          . --10---.       .        .       .        .        .      | |                                                                         | |_________________________________________________________________________| (10,15)     

for jerry:

case1  rowincr 10 colincr 20 __________________________________________________________________________ (80,40) |                       |- 5                                              | |   .          .        .       .        .       .        .        .      | |                               |- 20                                     | |-5-.          . --10---.       .        .       .        .        .      | |                                                                         | |_________________________________________________________________________| (10,10)  case2   rowincr 20 colincr 35 _________________________________________________ (100,70) |                       |- 5                     | |   .          .        .       .        .       | |                               |- 35            | |-5-.          . --20---.       .        .       | |              |                         |-5     | |________________________________________________| (10,25) 

and on ...

okay, think understand trying do, , think proc have worked number of rows after fixing:

set output [open "output.txt" w]  proc getpointlist {rect_boundary rowoffset coloffset plist} {     global output      set cordlist $rect_boundary     set xl  [lindex $cordlist 0]     set yl  [lindex $cordlist 1]     set xh  [lindex $cordlist 2]           set yh  [lindex $cordlist 3]      set xpoints [llength [lindex $plist 0]]     set ypoints [llength $plist]     set rowincr [expr {($xh-$xl-2*$rowoffset)/($xpoints-1)}]     set colincr [expr {($yh-$yl-2*$coloffset)/($ypoints-1)}]      set count 0     set list ""      {set y [expr {$yh - $coloffset}]} {$y >= [expr {$yl + $coloffset}]} {incr y -$colincr} {          {set x [expr {$xl + $rowoffset}]} {$x <= [expr {$xh - $rowoffset}]} {incr x $rowincr} {             lappend list "($x,$y)"         }         incr count         puts $output "r$count: [join $list " "]"         set list ""     } }  set plist {{a b c d e} {a b c d e} {a b c d e} {a b c d e} {a b c d e}} set rect_boundary {0 0 100 100} set rowoffset 0 set coloffset 0  getpointlist $rect_boundary $rowoffset $coloffset $plist  close $output 

i changed colincr put more rows.

in first loop, used incr y -$colincr because decrement if start higher y coordinate.

i changed output structure match 1 looking for. above snippet returns coordinates:

r1: (0,100) (25,100) (50,100) (75,100) (100,100)  r2: (0,75) (25,75) (50,75) (75,75) (100,75)  r3: (0,50) (25,50) (50,50) (75,50) (100,50)  r4: (0,25) (25,25) (50,25) (75,25) (100,25)  r5: (0,0) (25,0) (50,0) (75,0) (100,0) 

edit: added variable offsets, blank final row , variable columns per row.

proc getpointlist {rect_boundary urowoffset lrowoffset ucoloffset lcoloffset plist} {     set cordlist $rect_boundary     set xl  [lindex $cordlist 0]     set yl  [lindex $cordlist 1]     set xh  [lindex $cordlist 2]           set yh  [lindex $cordlist 3]      set xpoints 0     foreach r $plist {         if {[llength $r] > $xpoints} {set xpoints [llength $r]}     }      set ypoints [llength $plist]     set rowincr [expr {($xh-$xl-$lrowoffset-$urowoffset)/($xpoints-1)}]     set colincr [expr {($yh-$yl-$lcoloffset-$ucoloffset)/$ypoints}]      set count 0     set list ""      {set y [expr {$yh - $ucoloffset}]} {$y >= [expr {$yl + $lcoloffset}]} {incr y -$colincr} {         set x [expr {$xl + $lrowoffset}]         foreach n [lindex $plist $count] {             lappend list $x $y             incr x $rowincr         }         incr count         if {$count == $ypoints} {return $list}     } }  set plist {{a b c d x} {e f g h} {i k l} {m n}} set qlist 1 foreach n $plist {     set pattern$plist $n     incr qlist }  set rect_boundary {0 0 100 100} set upperrowoffset 0 set lowerrowoffset 0 set uppercoloffset 0 set lowercoloffset 0  set pointlist [getpointlist $rect_boundary $upperrowoffset $lowerrowoffset $uppercoloffset $lowercoloffset $plist]  set count 1 foreach sub_list $plist {     foreach n $sub_list {         set pattern$count $n         incr count     } }  set count 1 foreach {a b} $pointlist {     set text "pattern$count"     puts "command -point $a,$b -text [set $text]"     incr count  } 


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