osx - "brew install osm2pgsql" failed -

i'm using mac , want install osm2pgsql import osm data postgresql.

i execute brew install osm2pgsql in terminal. (i have executed brew update).

here output:

==> downloading https://github.com/openstreetmap/osm2pgsql/archive/v0.82.0.zip downloaded: /library/caches/homebrew/osm2pgsql-0.82.0.zip ==> ./autogen.sh ==> ./configure --with-proj=/usr/local/opt/proj checking fork... yes checking xml2-config... /usr/bin/xml2-config checking xml2 libraries... yes checking zlib compression library... no configure: error: required library not found  read this: https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/wiki/troubleshooting 

and here output of executing brew doctor:

warning: unbrewed dylibs found in /usr/local/lib. if didn't put them there on purpose cause problems when building homebrew formulae, , may need deleted.  unexpected dylibs:     /usr/local/lib/libmonoposixhelper.dylib     /usr/local/lib/libsffilemonitor.32.dylib     /usr/local/lib/libsfipc.32.dylib     /usr/local/lib/libsfipc.i.dylib     /usr/local/lib/libsfsqlite3.7.4.dylib     /usr/local/lib/libsfsyncengine.i.dylib 

i don't know these dylibs , should delete them?

what should linstall osm2pgsql?

or should give osm2pgsql , use other tool import osm data postgresql?

[edit 1]

according http://www.zlib.net/, zlib included part of mac os x.

and when search in google, found https://github.com/josegonzalez/homebrew-php/issues/205 , https://github.com/josegonzalez/homebrew-php/issues/538

so execute following 2 commands:

brew tap homebrew/dupes brew install zlib 

and result output is:

==> downloading http://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz ######################################################################## 100.0% ==> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/cellar/zlib/1.2.8 ==> make install ==> caveats formula keg-only: not symlinked /usr/local.  mac os x provides software , installing version in parallel can cause kinds of trouble.  there no consequences of you. if build own software , requires formula, you'll need add build variables:      ldflags:  -l/usr/local/opt/zlib/lib     cppflags: -i/usr/local/opt/zlib/include  ==> summary 

it seems don't have install zlib.

again execute brew install osm2pgsql, still doesn't work.

[edit 2]

i give homebrew , install osm2pgsql via binary installer.

http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/osm2pgsql#binary_installer https://github.com/openstreetmap/osm2pgsql/issues/15

i don't know brew according error message missing zlib library. try install first.

and should keep osm2pgsql because standard tool import osm data postgresql database.


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