html5 - Adding custom backgrounds to D3.js bar graph -

i'm new d3.js , i'm building bar graph in d3.js.

i'm trying make background 3 different colors break x axis distinct 3 zones (low, medium, , high). figure should appending <g>elements i'm not sure how place them in case.

the site here:

enter image description here

not sure if providing more of code help

this answer based on josh suggested in comments thought i'd add code since had deal mouseover , created challenges too.

one thing worth mentioning there isn't z-index svgs have put new background shades in first , chart bars (which why have give rectangles bar chart new name, per josh's suggestion)

        svg.append("rect")             .attr("y", padding)             .attr("x", padding)             .attr("width", 200)             .attr("height", h -padding*2)             .attr("fill", "rgba(0,255,0, 0.3")             .attr("class", "legendbar")          svg.append("rect")             .attr("y", padding)             .attr("x", padding +200)             .attr("width", 200)             .attr("height", h -padding*2)             .attr("fill", "rgba(0,0,255, 0.3")             .attr("class", "legendbar")          svg.append("rect")             .attr("y", padding)             .attr("x", padding +400)             .attr("width", 200)             .attr("height", h -padding*2)             .attr("fill", "rgba(255,0,0, 0.3")             .attr("class", "legendbar")          svg.selectall("rect.bars")             .data(dataset)             .enter()             .append("rect")             .attr("class", "bars")             .attr("x", 0 + padding)             .attr("y", function(d, i){                 return yscale(i);             })             .attr("width", function(d) {                 return xscale(d.values[0]);             })             .attr("height", yscale.rangeband())    .on("mouseover", function(d){                  var yposition = parsefloat("y")) + yscale.rangeband() /2                 var xposition = parsefloat("x")) /2 + w /2;        "#tooltip")                     .style("left", "660px")                     .style("top", "140px")                     .select("#strat")                     .text(d.values[3]);        "#tooltip")                     .select("#graph")                     .attr("src", "img/cpg.jpg");        "#tooltip")                     .select("#studentname")                     .text(;        "#tooltip").classed("hidden", false);             })              .on("mouseout", function() {       "#tooltip").classed("hidden", true);             }); 


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