What do I need to install or configure into deployment machine to run an Entitity Framework with Oracle console application ? -

i did whole development under windows 7 + vs 2012 using entity framework 4.1

my application windows console application uses entity framework access oracle database runs in remote server. application has x64 target setting, , windows 7 64bit.

all went fine on development machine until started deployment production host.

production host: newly installed windows server 2012. installed odac 64-bit , run configure.bat @ odp.net/managed/x64 folder.

i´m taking files application genereated @ /bin/debug folder form vs2012 , copying target machine, oracle.dataaccess.dll.

my connection string has providername = system.data.entityclient. generated ef model-first wizard.

when running, i´m getting following exception:

unable find requested .net framework data provider. may not installed. @ system.data.entityclient.entityconnection.getfactory (string providerstring). 

i´ve checked odca configure.bat , installs oraclemanagedataaccessdtc.dll

so, i´m confused. have oracle.dataacess.dll, oraclemanagedataaccessdtc.dll , none of work. first oracle deployment ef 4.1.

i had on many posts , got no conclusion @ all.

hope can me.

odac pain working on server. there bunch of things need consider:

  1. you have install oracle client on server
  2. if using tns name file, need have in network folder
  3. you not using oracle dll in bin folder, dll requires bunch of other dependent dlls on server when install client , odac.


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