jquery - datatables column width issue -

i have many listing page , 1 js file configuring datatables set up. sending value of aocolumns each listing page common js file datatables logic written. have written function in 1 of listing page like:

public function assignedtomehidesort() {     return array(         "{bsortable: false}", "null", "null", "{bsortable: false}", "null",         "null", "null", "null", "null", "null", "null", "null", "null", "null",         "null", "null", "null", "null", "{\"bsortable\": false}"     ); }  $aocolumn = assignedtomehidesort(); echo '<input type="hidden" name="aocolumn" id="aocolumn" value="' . implode(",", $aocolumn) . '">'; 

then in common js file have written like:

if ($('#aocolumn').val()) {     var ao = [];     var aos = $('#aocolumn').val().split(',');     (var = 0; < aos.length; i++) {         if (aos[i] == 'null') {             //no need processing             ao.push('{ null }');         } else {             //remove {, } , whitespace, return array splitted :             var s = aos[i].replace('{', '').replace('}', '').replace(' ', '').split(':');             //create object             var o = {};             //here need force real boolean instead of "false"             o[s[0].tostring()] = (s[1] == "false") ? false : true;             ao.push(o);         }     } } var otable = $('#data-table').datatable({     "sdom": 'ct<"clear">firtlip',     "otabletools": {         "sswfpath": basepath + "/js/extras/tabletools/media/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf",         "abuttons": [             {"sextends": "csv", "sfilename": curpath + ".csv", "sbuttontext": "save csv", "mcolumns": "visible"}         ]     },     "aasorting": [         [0, "desc"]     ],     "bautowidth": false,     "alengthmenu": [         [10, 25, 50, -1],         [10, 25, 50, "all"]     ],     "idisplaylength": 10,     "olanguage": {         "ssearch": "filter : "     },     "aocolumns": ao,     'spaginationtype': 'full_numbers' }); 

but in listing page column width showing 100px. want change , vary column column. have added aocolumndefs after aocolumns swidth property. not working. please guide me how solve width issue.

thanks in advance.


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