html - Xpath: extract value from element using text outside of element -

i want extract @name values input elements below.

<div style="style info"> <input type="checkbox" name="name1" onchange="dosomething;"/> mobile <br/> <input type="checkbox" name="name2" onchange="dosomething;"/> event <br/> </div> 

in above example, want extract name ("name1") relates "mobile".

i need one-line xpath can retrieve information me. have tried

//div[normalize-space(text())='mobile']/preceding-sibling::input/@name  //div[normalize-space(text())='mobile']/input/@name  //div[normalize-space(.)='mobile']/preceding-sibling::input/name 

and several other guesses after combing archives here, have not found works (i new xml, can no doubt tell; sorry if guesses seem haphazard).

thanks in advance answers, , please let me know if there clarifications or corrections can make assist in solving this. extremely appreciated!

note: xslt not option me

you want locate text node of interest first, rather div. there, can go preceding-sibling have tried.


//text()[normalize-space() = "mobile"]/preceding-sibling::input/@name 


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