c# - RowDataBound Object Not Set to an Instance of an Object -

i have gridview works fine, gives me error "object not set instance of object when edit clicked.

i believed because labels in gridview null when in edit mode , causes problem , have no idea how solve this.

              <asp:boundfield datafield="received" headertext="received" sortexpression="received"                         readonly="true">                         <itemstyle horizontalalign="center" />                     </asp:boundfield>                     <asp:templatefield headertext="complete" sortexpression="complete">                                                     <itemtemplate>                             <asp:label id="lblcomplete" runat="server" text='<%# bind("complete") %>'></asp:label>                         </itemtemplate>                         <itemstyle horizontalalign="center" />                     </asp:templatefield>                     <asp:boundfield datafield="transtime" headertext="trans. time" sortexpression="transtime"                         readonly="true">                         <itemstyle horizontalalign="center" />                     </asp:boundfield>                     <asp:templatefield showheader="false">                         <itemtemplate>                             <asp:linkbutton id="lbclose" runat="server" causesvalidation="false" commandname="closeclicked" text ="close"                                 onclick="closeclick_click">close</asp:linkbutton>                             <asp:linkbutton id="lbedit" runat="server" causesvalidation="false" commandname="editrow"  text =""                                 onclick="edit_click" commandargument='<%# eval("ticketid")%>'>edit</asp:linkbutton>                             <asp:linkbutton id="lbdelete" runat="server" causesvalidation="false" commandname="deleterow"  text =""                                 onclick="delete_click">delete </asp:linkbutton>                           </itemtemplate>                         <edititemtemplate>                             <asp:linkbutton id="lbupdate" runat="server" causesvalidation="true" commandname="updaterow"                                 forecolor="white" text="update" commandargument='<%# eval("ticketid")%>'></asp:linkbutton>                             <asp:linkbutton id="lbcancel" runat="server" causesvalidation="false" commandname="cancelupdate"                                 forecolor="white" commandargument='<%# eval("ticketid")%>' text="cancel"></asp:linkbutton>                         </edititemtemplate>                         <footerstyle horizontalalign="center" />                         <itemstyle horizontalalign="center" />                     </asp:templatefield>                 </columns>                 <editrowstyle backcolor="#999999" />                  />              </asp:gridview> 


    protected void gvdata_rowcommand(object sender, gridviewcommandeventargs e)     {            if (e.commandname == "editrow")            {                //this enables edittemplate                int rowindex = ((gridviewrow)             ((linkbutton)e.commandsource).namingcontainer).rowindex;                 gvdata.editindex = rowindex; //enables edit row in gridview                                   }     } 

i error in lbclose.enabled

  protected void gvdata_rowdatabound(object sender, gridviewroweventargs e)  { e.row.cells[0].visible = false;   if (e.row.rowtype == datacontrolrowtype.datarow) {     linkbutton lbclose = (linkbutton)e.row.cells[5].findcontrol("lbclose");     linkbutton lbedit = (linkbutton)e.row.cells[5].findcontrol("lbedit");     linkbutton lbdelete = (linkbutton)e.row.cells[5].findcontrol("lbdelete");       var lbltrans = (label)e.row.findcontrol("lbltrans");     var lblcomplete = (label)e.row.findcontrol("lblcomplete");                      if (e.row.cells[3].text == "")     {         lbclose.enabled = true; //error here         lbedit.enabled = true;         lbdelete.enabled = true;     }     else     {         lbclose.enabled = false;     }                        } } 

i believed because labels in gridview null when in edit mode , causes problem ...

ok, you're saying problem arises when enter editmode on row. , you're right, controls don't exist in editmode because part of itemtemplate. this:

linkbutton lbclose = (linkbutton)e.row.cells[5].findcontrol("lbclose"); if (lbclose == null) { return; } 

if can't find control know state of row , statements below don't matter.


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