meteor - Publications Subscriptions Observe -

i working on project want show markers on map.

these markers should published server viewport-constraint. means markers published inside current users viewport.

the publication looks this:

//server meteor.publish('posts', function(bottom_left_x, bottom_left_y, upper_right_x, upper_right_y, limit) {    return posts.find({locs: {$geowithin: {$box:                                   [[bottom_left_x, bottom_left_y],                                    [upper_right_x, upper_right_y]]}}},                        {sort: {submitted: -1}, limit: limit}); }); 

i call function via subscription when map_center changes:

//client google.maps.event.addlistener(map, 'idle', function(event) {   var bounds = map.getbounds();    var ne = bounds.getnortheast();   var sw = bounds.getsouthwest();   postshandle= meteor.subscribe('posts',, sw.lng(),, ne.lng(), 10); }); 

till works fine. further created observefunction on posts, renders marker when "added" called , remove when "removed" called. observe render new markers , destroy old ones

//client posts.find().observechanges({   added: function(post) {   // when 'added' callback fires, add html element     var marker = new google.maps.marker({       position: new google.maps.latlng(, post.locs.lng),       postid: post._id,       map: map,     }); },removed .... , on 

that problem observe-callback triggered on whole posts-collection. want show markers inside users viewport. thats why have this:

//client posts.find({locs: {$geowithin: {$box:                                   [[bottom_left_x, bottom_left_y],                                    [upper_right_x, upper_right_y]]}}},                        {sort: {submitted: -1}, limit: limit}).observechanges({ 

but thats not possible. geowithin not supported inside minimongo , not possible call oberserve collection has limit.

has idea how accomplish this? maybe there way push posts subcription directly map without using query on minimongo?

the solution easy !

meteor.autosubscribe( function () {   meteor.subscribe( 'chat', { room: session.get( 'currentroom' ) } ); } ); 

if want limit subscription maps viewport changing viewport-bounds, have use autosubscribe. seems autosubscribe takes care of changing subscription-arguments :)

meteor.autosubscribe( function () {   var = session.get('bounds');   if(a)     meteor.subscribe( 'posts', a.swlat, a.swlng, a.nelat, a.nelng, 5 ); } ); 


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