
Showing posts from April, 2010

.htaccess - Xampp 3.2.1 local copy of site 404ing on everypage apart from homepage -

i have copied site down live (works fine) on local machine. locally can view homepage of site, if try , visit page keep getting 404's. here vhosts setup: <virtualhost *:80> documentroot "c:\users\sony\documents\websites\" servername <directory "c:\users\sony\documents\websites\"> order allow,deny allow require granted </directory> </virtualhost> anyone have idea why happening? seems happen latest version of xampp , on urls have been rewritten. in case interested here htaccess file: errordocument 404 /404.php rewriteengine on rewritebase / # remove www host rewritecond %{http_host} ^www\.(.+) rewritecond %{https}s/%1 ^(on(s)|offs)/(.+) rewriterule ^ http%2://%3%{request_uri} [l,r=301] # remove trailing slash rewriterule ^(.*)\/(\?.*)?$ $1$2 [r=301,l] # don't match real existing files css, scripts, images aren't rewritten rewritecond %{request_fil...

regex - How to transform structured textfiles into PHP multidimensional array -

i have 100 files, each containing x amount of news articles. articles structured via sections following abbreviations: hd wc pd sn sc pg la cy lp td co in ns re ipc pub where [lp] , [td] can contain number of paragraphs. a typical messages looks like: hd corporate news: alcoa earnings soar; outlook stays upbeat by james r. hagerty , matthew day wc 421 words pd 12 july 2011 sn wall street journal sc j pg b7 la english cy (copyright (c) 2011, dow jones & company, inc.) lp alcoa inc.'s profit more doubled in second quarter, giant aluminum producer managed meet analysts' lowered forecasts. alcoa serves bellwether u.s. corporate earnings because first major company report , draws demand wide range of industries. td results marked test of how corporate optimism holding in face of bleak economic news. license article dow jones reprint service[] co almam : alcoa inc in i2245 : alumi...

order - getting largest values per row in R -

i trying rank values of row. trying see value largest, second largest etc etc. here simple example: test = c(0.005,0.007,0.009,-0.0008,0.5,-0.074) order(test) [1] 6 4 1 2 3 5 which.max(test) [1] 5 the function which.max correctly gives me column largest value, doesn't give me second largest, third largest etc., etc. i believed use function order this, output of doesn't seem correct. what doing wrong? you have use decreasing parameter: > order(test,decreasing=t) [1] 5 3 2 1 4 6 or alternatively reverse it: > rev(order(test)) [1] 5 3 2 1 4 6

.net - Read All Lines in a Text File and Add Them C# -

i've been working on problem while , i'm little stuck. have text file need loop through , read lines of, add of substrings 1 final number. problem is, have reading correctly , producing number first line in file only. i'm not sure whether use 'while' or 'for each'. here code have: string filepath = configurationsettings.appsettings["benefitsfile"]; streamreader reader = null; filestream fs = null; try { //read file , estimated return. fs = new filestream(filepath,,, fileshare.readwrite); reader = new streamreader(fs); string line = reader.readline(); int soldtodate = convert.toint32(convert.todouble(line.substring(10, 15))); int currentreturn = convert.toint32(soldtodate * .225); //update return amount updatecurrentreturn(currentreturn); any suggestions appreciated. you use while loop so, reading in each line , che...

swing - Java Generic programming: Determining if class extends another -

i've few object (terminal, runway, gate, airline, workers etc...) need show in jtable. i'm trying build generictablemodel (to use jtable) work every collection. thing of objects have data structures in , don't want show structures. i'm getting column names getting first object collection , asking declared fields aren't assignable abstractmap or collection classes. seems work me, fields need far. problem start when try show workers. have w_worker abstract class of fields worker, , i've different workers such w_manager, w_fuelworker etc... each of sub.classes have 1 or 2 fields, , when put them in table using generictablemodel fields specific worker without fields w_worker. how can determine in beginning of method, if class extends class , making fields first? i'll provide code if won't enough understand. in advance, tal edit: code added. public string[] getcolumnname(collection<t> collection){ field fields[] = null; string fiel...

Link Errors with Parse.framework iOS -

i tried importing parse framework in project. made sure liked project , couldn't find whether 'arc sensitive' or not. project arc based. this error i'm getting: undefined symbols architecture i386: "_scnetworkreachabilitycreatewithname", referenced from: -[pfcommandcache init] in parse(pfcommandcache.o) +[pfinternalutils(reachability) isparsereachable] in parse(pfinternalutils.o) "_scnetworkreachabilitygetflags", referenced from: ___22-[pfcommandcache init]_block_invoke in parse(pfcommandcache.o) +[pfinternalutils(reachability) isparsereachable] in parse(pfinternalutils.o) "_scnetworkreachabilityschedulewithrunloop", referenced from: -[pfcommandcache init] in parse(pfcommandcache.o) "_scnetworkreachabilitysetcallback", referenced from: -[pfcommandcache init] in parse(pfcommandcache.o) "_scnetworkreachabilityunschedulefromrunloop", referenced from: -[pfcommandc...

integrate webcam on windows phone 8 emulator -

can integrate pc webcam on wp8emulator? i developing app use de phone camera , don't have real device try on . void cam_initialized(object sender, microsoft.devices.cameraoperationcompletedeventargs e) { if (e.succeeded) { this.dispatcher.begininvoke(delegate() { //camera fost initializata }); i hope can find code . that not work. emulator's camera ever output black screen. need real device test camera based apps correctly. sadly, there isn't method work around knowledge. string - replace placeholder tokens efficiently -

i'm looking ideas little problem. i've string that's template message, example: dear [[guest.firstname]], hope looking forward holiday in [[booking.resortname]] my current system replacing spaceholder tokens (e.g. [[guest.firstname]]) inefficient, there's loops inside loops , takes long. what i'm looking way go through string until finds [[something]], replace [[something]] it's real value, continue on through string. please note replace [[something]] need have access space holder (i.e. need know if it's [[guest.firstname]] or [[booking.resortname]]). any suggestions efficient way achieve appreciated, feel should straightforward can think of ends loops inside loops again. thanks! phil. there many factors affect performance, it's hard say, without knowing specifics, method efficient. however, when comes coding simplicity, using regex matchevaluator excellent option. i'm sure you'll agree it's cleaner whatever usi... mvc 4 - Buddy ViewModel with LINQ Join -

sos! trying achieve logged in person, see users or supporting (buddying). trying embrace viewmodels coagulate views. using simplemembership mvc4 mysql. have userproperties(all details of users)linked userprofile , else works. use 2 databases 1 membership , other stuff. models userprofile/userproperties - extended other properties userid list item username userproperty firstname lastname schoolname userid buddyship buddyid buddiedbyuserid buddieduserid viewmodel model public class buddyviewmodel { public buddyship buddyship {get; set;} public list<buddyship> allbudees {get; set;} public userproperty userproperty { get; set; } public panelviewmodel(buddyship buddyship, list<buddyship> allbudees) { buddyship = buddyship; allbudees = allbudees; } } buddyviewmodel controller // believe magic should come public actionresult index(int? id) { //i logged ...

android - getting location updates after switching between classes -

in previous question trying gather location data , store in db. when press on phone when running application go collection screen location not resume updating though have , onresume() method... @override public void onresume() { // todo auto-generated method stub super.onresume(); lm.requestlocationupdates(towers, 500, 0, this); } does method handle if leave app open up? how go making app continue request updates after hit button when viewing location data in database?

jpa 2.0 - eclipse 4.3 EE facet jpa 2.0 build error -

i'm trying eclipse kepler 4.3 ee after open on old workspace, project starts build error: this project has jpa facet, no jpa project created. see error log more details. this details: eclipse.buildid=4.3.0.i20130605-2000 java.version=1.7.0_21 java.vendor=oracle corporation bootloader constants: os=win32, arch=x86_64, ws=win32, nl=pt_br framework arguments: -product org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.product command-line arguments: -data d:\jjw\srcweb -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86_64 -product org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.product error mon aug 19 14:46:53 brt 2013 null jpa platform: p/jjwxp-web java.lang.illegalargumentexception @ org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.core.internal.internaljpaprojectmanager.buildjpaproject( @ org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.core.internal.internaljpaprojectmanager.buildjpaproject( @ org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.core.internal.internaljpaprojectmanager.buildjpaproject(

linux - Issue creating a folder then moving files into it within the same script -

i'm having problems moving files folder after create in shell script. my script looks like: #!/bin/bash echo -e "processing\033[36m" $1 "\033[0mwith german script"; if [ ! -d ${1%.dat} ]; echo -e "making directory\033[33m" ${1%.dat} "\033[0msince didn't exist..."; mkdir ${1%.dat}; fi ...processing occurs here... (irrelevant issue) if [ -d ${1%.dat} ]; mv useragents_$1 /${1%.dat}/useragents_$1; mv summary_$1 /${1%.dat}/summary_$1; more /${1%.dat}/useragents_$1; else echo -e "\033[31merror: cannot move files folder.\033[0m"; fi as can see create folder if doesn't exist in top section , if exists move files folder in bottom section, problem doesn't create folder in time move files in (i'm assuming) when reaches lower code, error. i tried using, sleep 5, slows down script , has no effect on error. i appreciate advice. errors below: mv: cannot move `useragents_100_stns2_stns6.dat...

javascript - How do I sort, filter and sync large Backbone Collections effectively? -

i've been searching solution problem quite while now, forgive me if oversaw something. i working backbone collection that's large enough take seconds arrive backend. going grow steadily, i'd load in chunks , paginate rendered results. there feature filter models. my apporach getting less @ time backend load models shown (filtered) @ moment. e.g. if filtering month, models fetching /collection?year=2013&month=08 . but means have add backend parameters filter options. need way determine if have loaded models specific filter criteria prevent loading same stuff twice. do have idea how done better? i use backbone-pageable . need optimizations on backend reduce load time.

ajax - How to create a Youtube style loading bar with Rails 4's Turbolinks? -

is there way make youtube style loading bar (the inter-page across top bar) turbo-links. turbolinks has loads of different callbacks make jumpy 1 across few steps there way hook progress too? nprogress-rails need.

javascript - Video.js with a small player and controls line breaking -

just trying make smaller player window here. wondering kinds of things should mess make player display smaller version of controls if window's squished this: maybe reduced version of controls? smaller? the controls can customised css. add class small player e.g. here i've used small-player : <video id="my_video_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin small-player" controls preload="auto" width="90" height="200" poster="my_video_poster.png" data-setup="{}"> <source src="my_video.mp4" type='video/mp4'> <source src="my_video.webm" type='video/webm'> </video> then restyle controls suit. example remove time , resize big play button: .small-player .vjs-time-controls, .small-player .vjs-time-divider { display:none; } .small-player .vjs-big-play-button { width: 4em; height: 4em; } .small-player .vjs-big-play-button:before...

batch file - GOTO was unexpected at this time -

we trying run custom .bat file has worked fine under win98 years, got new server on weekend , win98 virtual machine not work apparently. so, i'm trying set it'll work through winxp command prompt. need change make work xp? i type in .bat file , runs fine. allows me type in date, when type in date , hit enter, "goto unexpected @ time": :crlist.bat - daily c/r deposit list : @echo off call search crdate.exe if exist del cashlist.exe call qpr 2 i found goto in qpr.bat file. here's code qpr.bat: :qpr.bat - copy specified listing file ( .ls) specified printer port (1-9) : ff foll'g - lptx must captured desired printer : @echo off if "%1==" goto operr if "%2==" goto operr copy %1 lpt%2 call ff%2 goto end :operr echo please re-enter print queue command follows: echo qpr n echo. echo name of report listing file, echo , n network printer no. on print. :end i've ...

javascript - Enable/disable button on contentEditable keyup -

i have couple of divs on website utilize html5 contenteditable attribute. goal user able start writing journal entry, , have save button change disabled enabled. here's html have far: <div id="entry-create-partial"> <div id="title-create-partial" name="title" contenteditable="true" data-placeholder='title it' style="color:black"></div> <div id="content-create-partial" name="content" contenteditable="true" style="color:gray">write anything</div> <button type="button" id="create-entry" class="btn" disabled="true">save</button> </div> and here's jquery: $(document).ready(function(){ $('#title-create-partial').keyup(function(){ if ($(this).value == '') { $('#create-entry').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else {...

php - Why custom constructor in Laravel command cause "Invalid argument supplied for foreach"? -

i have created command follow: <?php use illuminate\console\command; use symfony\component\console\input\inputoption; use symfony\component\console\input\inputargument; class schedulescommand extends command { protected $name = "mod:check"; protected $description = "checks database upcoming schedules."; protected $mod; public function __construct (model $mod){ $this->mod = $mod; } public function fire(){ $this->line('checking database'); $this->mod->f1 = 1; $this->mod->f2 = "test"; $this->mod->f3 = 'command'; $this->mod->save(); } ?> i following error - don't know why -- {"error":{"type":"errorexception","message":"invalid argument supplied foreach()","file":"\/home\/test\/documents\/account1\/php scripts\/project\/vendor\/symfony\/console\/symfo...

c++ - Creating metadata with preprocessor -

for better identification of resulting file, want write metadata in compiled (c++) *.exe or *.dll. metadata should created during compilation via #define-commands. is possible? or there way create identifiable data within file (like metadata)? specific windows, if using visual studio, , want able add data binary building, can add version resource project, allows change version of resulting binary, add brief description. can view information in resulting binary's properties. i believe ide using ms compiler able handle resource file, i'm not sure how easy edit them outside of visual studio.

apache - Htaccess redirecting not rewriting -

i have 2 domains - , both domains on same web hosting package , both document roots 'public_html' i want rewrite string after (e.g. here htaccess, seems redirecting instead of rewriting. rewritecond %{http_host} ^(www\.)?example\.co$ [nc] rewriterule ^(.*)$$1 from question along comments, seems want redirect request , without www page.php?code=anything after , if right try: # match , without www rewritecond %{http_host} ^(www\.)?example\.co$ [nc] # make sure don't redirect page.php rewritecond %{request_filename} !page\.php # internally redirect received page.php query string code rewriterule ^(.*)$ /page.php?code=$1 [l] this internally redirect user still see domain . given still want use https, in case not can further use this, instead of above rule: # if not start www redir...

python - How do add a toolbar on the browser example of PySide? -

#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import sys pyside.qtcore import * pyside.qtgui import * pyside.qtwebkit import * pyside.qthelp import * pyside.qtnetwork import * app = qapplication(sys.argv) web = qwebview() web.load(qurl("")) web.resize(650, 750) q_pixmap = qpixmap('icon.ico') q_icon = qicon(q_pixmap) qapplication.setwindowicon(q_icon) web.setwindowtitle('browser') sys.exit(app.exec_()) how add toolbar on 2 buttons: 1 called 'url 1' , other 'url 2' if click on it open url. compare list favorite websites if know mean. thanks! here pyqt tutorial start with. to toolbar have create mainwindow have toolbar , contain browser window central widget. add items toolbar first have create actions , add actions toolbar. actions can connected function executed when action triggered. here working snippet: import sys pyside import qtcore, qtgui, qtwebkit class mainwindow(qtgui.qmainwindow): ...

java - Using MapDB efficiently (confused about commits) -

i'm using mapdb in project deals billions of objects need mapped/queued. don't need kind of persistence after program finishes (the mapdb databases temporary). want program run fast possible, i'm confused mapdb's commit() function (which assume relevant performance), after reading docs . questions: what commit do? working understanding serializes objects heap disk, freeing heap space. accurate? what happens references objects committed? cleaned gc, or somehow 'reference' object on disk (with mapdb making transparent?) ultimately want know how use mapdb efficiently can, can't without knowing commit() for. i'd appreciate other advice might have using mapdb efficiently. the commit operation operation on transactions , find in database system. mapdb implements transactions, commit 'make changes i've made db permanent , visible other users of it'. complimentary operation rollback , discards of changes you've made withi...

extjs - Sencha touch custom list into viewport -

i having problems adding custom list view viewport. if use example documentation lines below works fine ext.viewport.add(ext.create('ext.list', { store: { fields: ['name'], data: [ {name: 'cowper'}, {name: 'everett'}, {name: 'university'}, {name: 'forest'} ] }, itemtpl: '{name}' })); if define own list , try add it not work. doing wrong? ext.define('mylist', { extend: 'ext.list', store: { fields: ['name'], data: [{name: 'cowper'}, {name: 'everett'}, {name: 'university'}, {name: 'forest'}], }, itemtpl: '{name}'}); ext.viewport.add(ext.create('mylist')); when define view, should put view configuration inside config. try this ext.define('mylist',{ extend: 'ext.list', config: { store: { ...

Learning Haskell Parsec and dealing with optional Parsers -

i'm redoing old homework assignment fun learn how use parsec , i'm having trouble structuring parsers exits (and included datatype). first file list of rooms. each room contains room name (below -- room --), description or story , list of exits in format of (direction, destination) . person choose direction , you'd room name , bring player next room. -- room -- center in square room. there doors north, south, east, , west. -- exits -- north: north hall south: south room east: east room west: west room -- room -- north hall in hallway. there doors north , south. as can see rooms have no exits (nothing how i'm storing it). there maybe exits. i have gotten far exits part , parsers before step seem work. problem handling fact there no exits or more 1 exit. how handle exits think affects how handle exits types (aka type exits might become maybe [ exit ] anyway here code: --module loader -- game parser go here -- import text.parsercombinators.parsec import data...

c# - WebApi serialize object from HttpActionContext -

edit: changed approach. using messagehandlers. raciel, pointed direction dig. these links useful me: messagehandlers overview using own principal classes i have webapi project , need provide custom authorization it. special token object added each request frontend. that: sendapirequest: function (controller, action, data, successcallback, failurecallback) { var url = router.getapiurl(controller, action); data.token = token; jquery.ajax({ type: 'post', datatype: 'json', url: url, data: data, success: function (result) { if (typeof successcallback == 'function') { successcallback(result); } }, error: function (result) { if (typeof failurecallback == 'function') { failurecallback(result); } } });} i have authorizationattribute , somehow need serialize token object request. cannot fin...

windows - Prepare a Rails environment in a virtual machine with a single click -

i learning develop rails on windows. rails implementation far perfect on windows, use virtual machine launch various rails tools , servers, using vagrant. each time start environment, following : open 4 conemu powershell tabs in folder in first tab, subl . , vagrant up , wait finish vagrant ssh (it uses ssh client "git windows" installation, guess it's openssh) in first 3 tabs cd /vagrant in each in first tab, rake db:migrate rake test:prepare in first tab, rails s ; in second tab, guard -pc the fourth tab left alone, it's used git commands can envision script, or series of scripts, can launch these commands ? can think of convoluted way of how open 4 tabs , launch vagrant ssh (i didn't check if worked yet), don't know if it's possible handle ssh sessions way. here starting point. create powershell script ( runvg.ps1 example) start-process "vagrant" "up" -wait -nonewwindow start-process "vagrant...

haskell - Haskeline: Implementing `MonadException` instance for `ReaderT r (StateT s m)` stack -

this question has answer here: monadexception instance not deduced 1 answer let's have following monad transformer stack ( r , s left () simplicity), newtype mymonad m = mm (readert () (statet () m a) if want use base monad haskeline's inputt , need system.console.haskeline.monadexception instance. given apparent complexity of these instances, i'd prefer let compiler derive me generalizednewtypederiving . specifically, expect following typecheck, {-# language generalizednewtypederiving, standalonederiving, flexiblecontexts #-} import control.monad.state import control.monad.reader import import control.applicative import system.console.haskeline.monadexception newtype mymonad m = mm (readert () (statet () m) a) deriving (functor, applicative, monad, monadio) deriving instance (monadexception m) =>...

file - Search a link on webpage and click on it using selenium -

i using selenium webdriver. have read xpath of link file , search whether link present on webpage, if present click on it. thats it!! heres file links link1 //a[contains(text(), 'volunteer registration')]/@href link2 //a[contains(text(), 'sign up')]/@href link3 //a[contains(text(), 'register/sign up')]/@href like wise have 1 file i'll read 1 link , associated xpath , based on xpath i'll search whether link present on webpage or not. the code have written : reading data text file hashtable - public hashmap<string, string> readdatafromfile(string filename) { try { filereader fr = new filereader(filename); bufferedreader br = new bufferedreader(fr); string strline = null; string[] prop = null; while ((strline = br.readline()) != null) { prop = strline.split("\t"); recruiters.put(prop[0], prop[1]); } br.c...

ms word - Creating an editable document via java web application -

i looking convenient method export data database form editable afterwards. perfect scenario export word document, , perhaps brutally simple solution generate html , copy/paste word. i've looked @ several open source libraries generating word documents, seem bit simple or incomplete. need support tables , embedded images , control on formatting fonts, table borders etc. (too formatting seems lost when copying html , pasting word). although word end format, it'd fine generate in format word able open , subsequently save docx. i haven't been able find generating odt files (server side without client installation). i dive aspose libraries, it'll take ages (and significant pain) purchase order sorted out need make sure viable option before taking route. i generate excel file , copy word - looking best option currently.

php - Triggering model validation with CakePHP -

i'm creating form users can change passwords. form in settings controller, i'm saving data users table. i have following form settings/index.ctp echo $this->form->create('settings'); echo $this->form->input('current_password'); echo $this->form->input('password'); echo $this->form->input('repass', array('type'=>'password', 'label'=>'re-enter password')); echo $this->form->end(__('submit')); here's setting model function equaltofield($array, $field) { print_r($array); //check see if being's not! return strcmp($this->data[$this->alias][key($array)], $this->data[$this->alias][$field]) == 0; } public function beforesave() { if (isset($this->data[$this->alias]['password'])) { $this->data[$this->alias]['password'] = authcomponent::password($this->data[$this->alias]['passw...

mp3 - ID3 tag editing in programming language -

i've been trying write program edits id3 tags of songs of given artist, given folder structure "musicfolder\artist\year album\## song.mp3". edit tags title, artist, album artist, album, year , track (song number), while keeping genre value. i've tried far in python none of id3 plugins have worked out. i've described problem had when using mutagen here: some mutagen tags don't work . so, need plugin in language (and tell me version of both!) can things above, , appreciate example of how set value of said tags, (if necessary) required measures make sure genre tag untouched. know python , java, if provided language not 1 of appreciate if me converting pseudocode provided below (or of same effect) actual code. import id3plugin artist = next_input() path = "e:\musik\" + artist folder in folder_list(path): # folders strings path2 = path + "\" + folder year = int(folder.substring(0,4)) ...

linux - qgetenv returns NULL -

i need value of environment variable in linux(ubuntu). purpose using "qgetenv" function environment variable name. can confirm value of environment variable set because when echo $variable_name, printing value of variable. snippet of code using: qbytearray root = qgetenv("paparazzi_home"); if ( { cerr << "paparazzi_home not defined" << endl; exit(0); } string pprzroot = string(; and echo $paparazzi_home prints following string: "/home/manish/paprazzi-git/paparazzi/". invoking program using sudo "path application dir"/"application name". answer: "sudo" removes of user's environment variables. therefore, if 1 wants preserve environment variables along sudo, sudo -e must used. see "man sudo" more detail. having $ echo $paparazzi_home print expected value doesn't verify $paparazzi_home environment variable. unexported s...

java - How can I implement Google Play Licensing for an Android app? -

i saw stock android-developer licensing library instructions , overview seems omit several key steps in process , fails explain how working. can provide explicit set of operations worked licensing library set on android app checks ensure user has paid app in google play before allowing use? i have been working on implementing licensing in app time , have working. wanted share of things found helpful getting started , problems , solutions found everyone. android dev tutorial have linked below ok, wasn't useful me, decided make tutorial. enjoy, , hope helps you! link developer page here . 1. getting started things need. 1.1 base64 unique application key how it: a. go developer console. link. b. if haven't created application draft app, now. c. once have created draft, idea upload .apk alpha or beta. leave unpublished. d. click services & apis e. scroll down , find your license key application f. copy key app this: private static final ...

stylesheet - Fixed 3 columns layout Zurb Foundation css -

i want 3-col layout that: left column contains fixed / sticky list items left , middle column have fixed known width 3rd column must left on space; no horizontal bar 3rd column have multiple columns within , want use foundation framework grid (below example shows 2 large-6 in blue) all columns must expand top bottom i want leverage zurb foundation framework , reuse as can grid framework. here ideal layout: this code far: <body> <div class='row'> <div class='col1 columns'> <ul class='sticky'> <li>item 1</li> <li>item 2</li> <li>item 3</li> <li>item 4</li> <li>item 5</li> </ul> </div> <div class='col2 columns'> <div>some text 2</div> </div> <div c...